
What are the income requirements for marriage green card?

In order to obtain a green card (legal permanent resident status), the green card applicant must submit an affidavit of support by a sponsor.   The sponsor must be a US citizen or legal permanent resident, 18 years of age, domiciled in the and have an income 125% above the federal poverty line. In 2020, an income 125% above the federal poverty line for a household of 2 people is $21,550, for a household of 3 people $27,150 and for the household of 4 people is $32,750.   The income of certain household members may be included.  If the sponsor cannot meet the minimum-income requirements, (s)he may provide evidence of assets that are readily available or seek a joint sponsor.  The affidavit may not be necessary if the green card applicant already has 40 quarters of earnings in the US.     

Please note that this article does not constitute a legal advice.  We simplified the law to outline one aspect of the marriage green card process.  If you would like us to obtain a marriage green card, call our experienced marriage green card attorney at 480-425-2009 or schedule your consultation online