Filing For Bankruptcy
Even though most people simply hate to admit it, financial problems are quite common. Many people find themselves in a financial mess for a number of reasons and decide that filing for bankruptcy is the best way to get a fresh clean start in their financial lives. When filing for bankruptcy, you will need the help of a bankruptcy professional at Juras Law Firm.
Are you wondering why you should file for bankruptcy if you find yourself in a financial mess that you can’t seem to get out of? Are you overwhelmed with the amount of debt you have and you cannot seem to keep up with the payments? Then filing for bankruptcy may be a viable alternative for you. Think about it, when you get rid of your debt – which is also known as “Discharge of Debt”, you will able to get a fresh start. The bankruptcy attorneys at Juras Law Firm will help you to choose between Chapter 7 bankruptcy (known as straight bankruptcy) or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, so that you can get your debts wiped out or at least reduced (in some circumstances).
If your house is presently in foreclosure, filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can put a stop to the foreclosure process at any time before your house is sold. Although, you need to know that filing for bankruptcy will not wipe off your current mortgage payments. Filing for bankruptcy in this particular situation will help you to create a repayment plan for the payments that you are behind on. Filing for bankruptcy can help you to keep your vehicle and your other belongings away from the repo man. Even if your bank has gone ahead to repossess your vehicle, filing for bankruptcy can actually force your bank to give you back your vehicle – that is, if you filed for bankruptcy quickly enough. Any late payments will be consolidated into a bankruptcy payment plan. After filing for bankruptcy and a payment plan has been drawn up, your payment will not go directly to lender but will go instead, to a court-appointed Chapter 13 bankruptcy trustee.
If you file for bankruptcy, you can eliminate colossal medical bills. Sadly, there are times when medical expenses, whether caused by an unfortunate accident or major illness, can actually reach a point where one cannot cope with paying for them anymore. A bankruptcy expert can advise you to file for bankruptcy where there is a strong possibility to have your total medical bills dramatically slashed. At Juras Law Firm, we have a reputation as for our proactive problem-solving skills. We will provide you with very creative and cost-cutting legal solutions that will suit your needs and we will also handle your case as if it were ours. With the Juras Law Firm, you are sure of making the right decision when filing for bankruptcy. Call as at (480) 425-2009 today to schedule a BANKRUPTCY CONSULTATION!