Green Card Lottery Registration Ends on November 9, 2021 (12 PM EST)
The online registration period for the 2023 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2023) has started on October 6, 2021. For Fiscal Year 2023, up to 55,000 diversity visas (DV) will be available. As an immigration law firm, Juras Law Firm, PLC wants to make sure all prospective applicants are aware of this deadline.
You have to be a native of a country with historically low rates of immigration to the U.S. and have at least a high school education or its equivalent, or 2 years of work experience within the past 5 years in an occupation that requires at least 2 years of training or experience to perform.
The results will be available on May 8, 2022. All selected applicants must obtain their visa or adjust their status by the end of the fiscal year 2023, which is from October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023. Contact us in Scottsdale, AZ if you have any questions!