USCIS fee increase expected on October 2, 2020
Effective on October 2, 2020, the USCIS fee schedule will be adjusted by a weighted average increase of 20%, new fees will be added, multiple fees will be established for non-immigrant worker petitions and the number of beneficiaries for certain forms will be limited. Below are some of the changes:
Form Current Fee New Fee Change Change
I-90 (online filing) $455 $405 -$50 -11%
I-90 (paper filing) $455 $415 -$40 -9%
I-129 $460 N/A N/A N/A
I-129E&TN $460 $695 $235 51%
I-129H1 $460 $555 $95 21%
I-129H2A (named Beneficiaries) $460 $850 $390 85%
I-129H2B (named Beneficiaries $460 $715 $255 55%
I-129L $460 $805 $345 75%
I-129O $460 $705 $245 53%
I-129H2A (unnamed Benef.) $460 $415 – $45 -10%
I-129H2B (unnamed Benef.) $460 $385 -$75 16%
I-129F $535 $510 $25 -5%
I-130 (online filing) $535 $550 $15 3%
I-130 (paper filing) $535 $560 $25 5%
I-140 $700 $555 -$145 -21%
If you are contemplating filing of any petition or application and need an assistance before the fee increase, call our office at 480-425-2009 or schedule an appointment online today!.